Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12
But if we hope for what we do not have, we wait for it patiently. Romans 8:25 The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him. Lamentations 3:25 I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His Word, I hope. Psalm 130:5 Last week was the first week of school for us. With my older kids now in college, our homeschool class is the smallest it’s been in a while. I started the week with one doctor’s appointment. Monday at 10:30AM. I assured my students that this year should be different from last, with far fewer medical appointments. However, by Friday, as I headed out for the third time to the hospital for bloodwork, it seemed like my words had been in vain. My labs from Monday AND Tuesday resulted in incomplete testing, for whatever reason. On the phone Friday morning, I talked with patient support from the hospital and confirmed my suspicions that I would indeed be returning that morning. It would be my fifth medical appointment that week, and I would be adding three new medications from the two new doctor visits. It was a glitch, or human error. But there I was headed to the hospital again. To the waiting room again. On the way, the radio was tuned to The Light Radio Network, even though it would normally be connected to my phone for music. The message was about patiently waiting on the Lord and His timing. I chuckled and said, “Ok God, I’m listening.” Chuck Swindoll was preaching a message on bearing hardship with patient endurance knowing that God’s timing is perfect. I didn’t hear the full message, but my heart got it. I am now 3 and a half months post Lyme disease and Bartonellosis treatment. At first, the difference between how I felt with treatment and after was stark. I had so much energy and my pain levels were down across the board. I had some consistency from day to day, knowing my body and brain would be willing participants. But then I started taking on too much. And the consistency dropped. I was again requiring naps on a daily (sometimes more than daily) basis. The leveling out of my hormones was getting imbalanced again. My mobility was being challenged. Holdups from a lifetime of untreated Lyme disease and cat scratch fever (Bartonellosis) were making themselves known. We added some muscle spasms and connective tissue issues (hypermobility disorder) to the docket. My docket didn’t want to add those things, I wanted to be better. I wanted a fully clean bill of health. But these, too, were somewhat familiar. In the years following Juliet and Ian’s recovery, I had done research on recovery from Lyme Disease. After the obliteration of all the bad microbes, our bodies need to rebuild. I had previously reminded Juliet to be patient when she lamented that she was not feeling better yet. (She is doing MUCH better now.) Recovery takes time, I told her, and we need to be patient, as hard as that can be. Your body needs to rebuild. Strengthen. You’ve got this, you just have to be patient. So now I was the impatient patient. I had learned to listen to my body throughout the treatment and part of the recovery. But now I was back to not listening. To pushing through. To faking it until I make it. None of those things were helpful to my body. None of them were conducive to healing. They were, in fact, a surefire way to prolong the process. They stood in stark contrast to the beginning weeks of recovering where I was listening to the Lord and trying to not run on ahead. I was paying a steep price. But the Lord doesn’t tell us to be patient and wait for Him to frustrate us. He loves us. He knows better than we do. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts, and His plans are higher than our plans. “But LORD, I have things to do. Campers to sell. (Actually just the one.) A business to run.” All of my buts get in the way. I am reminded of James 4:13-15 as I write this. Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will travel to such and such a city and spend a year there and do business and make a profit.” You don’t even know what tomorrow will bring—what your life will be! For you are like smoke that appears for a little while, then vanishes. Instead, you should say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that.” I don’t know what recovery will bring. I don’t know one day to the next how my body will be responding. Yes, things are on a whole SO much better than they have been. However, recovery is almost never linear. There’s no line that goes from low point A to high point B without dips or declines. Yet, my hope is not in my body, it is in the Lord. What I do know is that if I wait on Him, He will renew my strength. He will renew my heart and my soul and put my feet on solid ground. I may not know what tomorrow holds, but I know who holds my tomorrow. Lord God, thank you that you hold my present and not just my future. Thank you that you can be with me in the waiting. Thank you that you are patient with me as I attempt things that are beyond my current capacity. Please be with all of us as we wait upon You. Help us to place our hope in you and your word. Help us to endure hardship with patience and renew our strength. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. Written by Peggy Potter
John 11:35 NIV "Jesus wept." The recent passing of my dear friend Bob Racicot gave me pause for reflection. I was actually happy for him because I knew he had been freed from all his long-term suffering & disability. I also know where he went : home to be with Jesus ! Jesus knew this too, when His friend Lazarus passed away. He lovingly reminded Martha & Mary, Lazarus' sisters, that their brother would rise again & told them "I AM the resurrection & the Life...", but in His Love & compassion, He still knew their pain & heartbreak, so He wept with them. And He raised their brother ! Bob was a very devout man of God who no doubt went on to his reward. His greatest joy & his heart was singing & strumming praise & worship songs to Jesus ! One of his greatest sorrows at the end of his earthly life was that neuropathy robbed him of his ability to play his guitar. I am certain that Heaven's praise & worship choir & orchestra have been increased by one more enthusiastic member! This , however does not lessen the the sorrow & grief felt by his family & friends who were devastated by the loss of him . This made me cry as I am certain Jesus also bore their grief & pain. The beautiful thing in all this is how God -never late , but always on time- brought his whole family back together, something we at his years-long Bible study had long prayed for. We who know Jesus as our Lord, Savior, & King as did Bob, know we have a blessed future; an eternity with & glorious resurrection in Him. We should always remember to pray for our unsaved loved ones & the lost in this world, that they will come to know the same blessed assurance we have in Him. After all "He would that none should perish, but all come to everlasting life in Him " 2 Peter 3:9. This is Jesus'Heart & the very reason He came into this world.In Him there is no need to be eternally separated from Him & those we love ! Our grief will pass away forever ! Not only will we be spending eternity in the presence of God-most wonderful in & of itself-, but we will NEVER have to say "Goodbye" to our loved ones again ! "And He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes & death shall be no more ! " Revelation 21:4 NIV He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. by Joyce Pelletier How many times do we fall back to Romans 8:28? Is this that one verse we take for granted? Or do we miss it’s true meaning? The definition of suffering - the state of undergoing pain, distress or hardship.The loss of something important. We all experience some kind of suffering in our lives. Some of it is physical, other is emotionally, circumstantially and just plain hardship where it is just one of those times when you are tempted to throw in the towel. Until… If I think about what Jesus suffered on the cross, it was the worst! No one could ever feel the pain Jesus experienced. He felt rejection, throbbing pain all over his body. His emotions were tested to the limits. Yet in the Garden He prayed that if this cup cannot pass away, unless He drank it, so he prayed “Father, Your will be done.” Jesus knew what He was facing in the Garden. Yet, He surrendered everything to the Father. He knew that was his call. Romans 8:18 Paul tells us, “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Vs 22 says, “We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Vs 26-28, “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” I recognize my example/experience is pretty trivial. But, I will share it anyway. Recently, my clothes washer broke down. I purchased it new 15 months ago. It rebelled, and I called in the repairman only to find out the repair would cost more than what it is worth. Now you may be thinking it’s not a big deal! Well, I’d have to agree, you’re probably right. It was an eye-opening experience, to say the least. The short life span was the sore spot. After two plus weeks, we broke down and bought another one. It is not the electronic age, with ships that go to the moon and yet a 15 month washing machine cannot measure up to provide clean clothes. How does this speak into Romans 8:28? Well, it’s been a time of trial for “things” that don’t work. It happens all the time. I fell prey to getting frustrated, angry and critical. Even thinking no one understands. (Well, when you are put out, you think no one understands. So, what is the good out of this? Well, I learned some shortcomings in my life that needed attention. I also learned that you may not get good results from a repairman, but he will provide truth for what is wrong and charge you for the call anyway. With, God, though, He’s always providing truth for us. Yet lots of times, I fall short for being a good listener. My frustration level is something that I need to work on. Also I realize that sometimes, I don’t play the waiting game very well. The good parts were, taking more time to talk more to God about things. Take on His patience and “wait” and never give up on hope. Learning the hard things in life can be more “good” than just wanting to jump through those hard days and seek God and trust the end result to be what God does for us. Now that it's behind me, I got a break from doing laundry. Guess that's not so bad! Jesus didn't get a break. He suffered on the cross. He didn’t whine or get angry, he knew the Father had a Plan. He willingly went to the cross. He didn’t like it, but knew the outcome would provide believers to share Heaven with him. He trusted His Father and the end result is… Father knows Best! By Mary Spence
Malachi 3:2-4 NIV [2] But who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap. [3] He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver; he will purify the Levites and refine them like gold and silver. Then the Lord will have men who will bring offerings in righteousness, [4] and the offerings of Judah and Jerusalem will be acceptable to the Lord, as in days gone by, as in former years. Gold is most valuable when it is pure. To refine gold the goldsmith heats it to a very high temperature. Gold melts at 2000 degrees. Because it is very dense, when it is heated the impurities come to the top once it is liquified. Then the impurities are scraped off the top as it cools. Like Gold we are going through a process to sanctify us. The definition of sanctification is to make something holy; the action or process of being freed from sin or purified. When we think about being purified by God through a process of heating and scraping, heating and scraping, it doesn’t sound like much fun. But on the other side of the trials, once we have moved through that valley there is a better product. Just like the gold, which is becoming more pure and more valuable, we are becoming more like Christ though each trial and tribulation. In its purest form gold is soft and pliable, moldable and easy to shape. The hardness comes from added impurities like silver and lead, which are harder substances that help it resist bending and changing shape. As human beings we have our own impurities. Our life experiences, relationships and interactions in the world have caused us to erect walls of defense. We reinforce these walls each time we are rejected or wounded. Continuing to secure our hearts, making certain no one is getting in hardens our hearts and our walls get higher. In fact, they can become impenetrable, no weapon could pierce that armour. But in many ways we are the same as the gold. As we are refined by our goldsmith our walls begin to break down. Those very walls we put in place to protect ourselves are crumbled into rubble and swept away. We become open, reachable and vulnerable. All the impurities we added to keep ourselves safe and protected were actually preventing us from being open to God changing our hearts. Not really sounding like alot of fun, right? Its painful sometimes. We built all those walls for a reason. The world showed us that without walls and guards we were unsafe; open to injury and attack. So we reinforced the walls. Stonger, taller, unbreachable. To keep ourselves safe. So when he begins to purify us, to remove all of that excess stuff and make us more like Him, it feels uncomfortable. Its scary, to think that we will be open, unprotected. But isn’t this is how we are going to grow? To begin to evolve into who we were designed to be? Gold starts as a rock in the ground. It is barely distinguishable as what we know as gold. The lengthy refining process reveals the most valuable. As we travel through these times of trial and hardship, let's try to remember that the process we go through changes us. We can continue to work on our walls. Building those barricades around our hearts, becoming more removed, more distant, and disconnect. Or we can choose to walk through it looking for opportunities to reflect Jesus as we journey. We can be willing to submit to His plans and designs for our lives, so that we will be changed... refined. Choose wisely my friend. [8] Praise our God, all peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard; [9] he has preserved our lives and kept our feet from slipping. [10] For you, God, tested us; you refined us like silver. [11] You brought us into prison and laid burdens on our backs. [12] You let people ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance. Psalms 66:8-12 . by Rebecca Vickery
Twenty-seven years ago, I had my first encounters with the Living God. Codependency wasn’t a word that I was familiar with at the time, but I already had the beginnings of it in a relationship I cut off before leaving for the Czech Republic on an exchange program. I did not break things off with my boyfriend so that I could find God, I did it so that he wouldn’t be idealizing me the whole time I was gone meaning I would never measure up to the picture of me that he had formed in his head. I also didn’t want to be constantly missing home instead of enjoying each moment that I had in this beautiful country. Nevertheless, my ex-boyfriend wrote to me while I was in Prague. I was exposed to a kind of codependency that was unfamiliar. I couldn’t fix things that were brought up in the letters. I was helpless to make a difference and I was stuck. In one of the early letters, I learned that he was drinking enough to kill himself. Maybe that was the point, maybe the point was to make me feel bad enough to say, you can be my boyfriend, now stop the excess drinking so I’ll have a boyfriend to come back to. Whatever the purpose, I couldn’t really do anything to change his behavior. He had a drinking problem before he met me, and this good girl couldn’t sway him from the other side of the ocean. Meanwhile, I had started going to an English conversation group at my Czech speaking high school (Gymnasium as they called it). The Czech kids were mostly arguing against the existence of God, but I reasoned that God existed, I just didn’t know how intimately involved He was with us. This was the first time I’d ever had to reason about the existence of God. I grew up in the Episcopalian Church, and thought of God as a distant creator who didn’t have much if anything to do with our daily lives. At the same time, my host family held weekly prayer meetings called Taize worship nights at their beautiful home. I had also been invited to a local Church service at an international Church in Prague. I was receiving invitations to meet with God on every side. I started attending the Church and was invited to youth group where they were actually studying the Bible. I had never really read it, and apart from hearing snippets of it during the Church year according to the liturgical calendar, I didn’t know that much about it. The preaching was intriguing. The Pastor was teaching through the book of Isaiah. I told myself I went back to the Church because of the music, contemporary songs that reminded me of Church camp. But I think a deeper part of me was fascinated by the teaching of the Word. It Spoke to me. The first time one of the youth group members invited me to study the Bible with them, I instantly rejected them. The next week, I was invited by someone else. And then someone else. Finally, I said to myself, these people, my peers, are actually reading this book and want to learn more from it, I have got to see what this is about. So, I went. There I was surrounded by people pointing me towards God, with a problem bigger than my capacity. At Bible study this particular week, we were asked if anyone had prayer requests. This time, I slipped up my hand. Afraid of judgement, I didn’t specify the specific nature of my prayer, but that my friend needed help and that I was very worried for him. Later in the week, at my host family’s prayer meeting, I decided to do some praying for him myself. I prayed with tears to a God I sure hoped was listening and submit my requests to him in earnest. The following week, I got a letter from James. He had given up drinking for lent. He had never celebrated lent before, so this was a strange thing, but instead of instantly saying, “God, you did it,” I was like, Good, now I don’t have to worry about it anymore. I went to Bible Study that week and they were studying from John 4, the story about the Woman at the well. Our study leader talked about the Living Water, and asked us a question. “Are you drinking from the living water with a straw, or are you in there on your hands and knees drinking all that you can?” At that moment, it occurred to me that my very specific prayers had been answered. They were answered in a very strategic and timely way. I felt like God was showing me who He was and I didn’t know what to do about it. I put my hand up in the air and said, “I feel like God is saying, Here I am, come to me, and I have no idea how to drink.” This was the first time I ever felt like the God of the Universe was reaching out to me and calling me to Himself. Later that week, my youth leader Toni met with me and heard my story and told me about Jesus of Nazareth. She told me about how God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son so that whosoever believed in Him would not perish but have eternal life. I had heard a similar message at Church for years, but this was the first time it felt like a present truth, not like ancient history. God wasn’t merely a distant patriarch, but a present reality, and He wanted to know me and be known by me. Toni asked me what I thought about this. I marveled, if Jesus came and died on a cross for me, now that I know what this means for me, how can I not follow Him? And so I followed the Son and He led me and leads me to the Father. I do not believe merely because Christianity is the only religion where we don’t have to do xy and z to attain heaven because Jesus already achieved it. God did what only God could do. He made the bridge to cross that divide, I only needed to walk across it in faith. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Experiencing God was what led to that faith. There have been many philosophical and theological challenges to my faith since then. I have had to, as Peter says, be prepared to give an answer for the hope that I have. I believe the Bible is real, but more than that, I believe that the God OF the Bible is real. He is the reason for the hope that I have. Every moment that I come to Him and know Him more fully confirms my faith more and more. I believe that I am known by the Living God, because I encountered Him myself. I didn’t go to the Czech Republic to find God, but I found Him there in spite of me. I love Him because He first loved me. He ignited my faith and lit the way to finding Him. Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon. Isaiah 55:6-7 by Peggie Potter
1 John 3:3 we will see Him as He is . Everyone who has this hope purifies himself as He Himself is pure. Growing up in the 1970's was a real example of the parable of the man who sowed good seed in his field (Mt 13:24-30). The wonderful Jesus Revolution was in full swing ! I was saved in 1978. The enemy sowed his foul seeds at this time too. It was called the sexual revolution. The movies, books, music, etc all bore these poisonous weeds. Sadly, many who became born again Christians during this time were also deeply influenced by the "new morality " and I admit I was one. It took decades of my nearly fruitless walk before my Heavenly Father gave me the loving discipline I desperately needed. Jesus said we who are His are in the world , but not of the world. It took me a long time to realize just how great a stranglehold the world had on me. John 10:29 tells us that those whom the Father has given to Jesus , no one can snatch them out of His hand ! What great loving mercy and love He shows His children. He disciplines those whom He loves (Hebrews 12:6, Revelation 3:19, Deuteronomy 8:5). What a blessing to know how much our Heavenly Father in Heaven loves & cherishes His children ! Thankfully , I learned the importance of spiritual & sexual purity. This is spiritual warfare ! When unwanted thoughts and memories come to mind I have learned to plead the Blood of Jesus over my mind and profess repentance. It took His precious Blood & His Word to kill those bitter roots. Whereas I grew up with romance as an idol, Jesus has become all to me ! I chose His ways over the world's ! I have been called to be salt and light for Him . I judge no one, but pray all will find the freedom I have in Jesus. After all, He would that none should perish, but all should come to everlasting life in Him (2 Peter 3:9)! And whom the Son sets free is free indeed (John 8:36)! by Joyce Pelletier
Psalm 91:4 He will cover you with His feathers; He will shelter you with His wings; His faithful promises are your armor and protection. How do you “wait?” Most of us have spent time in a hospital, either waiting for a surgery to be over on a loved one, or the birth of a new baby or maybe waiting for test results. Your mind is running ahead of you thinking ‘this isn’t good!’ As you wait, you might get antsy. You become restless. You think, why is this taking so long? Surely it has to be done soon. Yet, there is nothing you can do… but wait! I’m not sure what is more difficult, waiting in the waiting room, or being on the operating table as they work on your body. In most cases you are out like a light. Yet there are times when you are awake through the whole thing. A few years ago, I found myself in that position. I had developed the beginning of a macular hole in my right eye. I didn’t think too much about it at first and in fact the whole idea is here it is two years later and now I realize the intensity of what could have been. As they prepped me for the surgery, not much was said about the ‘time’ of not being able to move and being wide awake. The surgery took over 2 hours. Hmm, you might be thinking, ‘that’s not too long for what they have to do.’ I’d have to agree with you. it’s not very long! Well, waiting is not my best gift. A lot depends on the circumstances. In my case, this delicate procedure was dealing with my right eye. I had a tear that was affecting my retina. Something had to be done right away, as the alternative could be blindness. Scary thought to say the least. We were about an hour into the surgery when I suddenly had a major hot flash. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I boldly asked the surgeon, “Are we nearly there, yet?” He hesitated then said, “Well, I need another 30 minutes.” My heart kind of sunk. He inquired if I needed something. After a minute or two, I said that I was very hot. The nurses loosened up my blankets and immediately I started to feel cooler. I also started to feel a bit anxious. Thinking about another 30 minutes seemed like an eternity. I mentioned I was getting a bit antsy. They immediately gave me a bit more of the sedative and I suddenly envisioned something so amazing. As it turned out it went a bit longer but it wasn't horrible. Not being able to move and being awake, which would have been a walk in the park if I could have been asleep. That wasn't written on the procedure plans. I had to let them do what they had to do. Like Jesse said recently in his sermon. I had to obey. My body was relaxed with sedatives, but I was also awake. Not a lot of choices that day. I guess you could say, being under this medication, wasn't so bad. I didn't have any pain. As I lay there, I could see with my left eye, visions of red and black stems of leaves and flowers being drawn before me. I watched for some time and it was such an unexpected illusion that I thought that my eyes were inside a plant as it grew into it’s amazing beauty. I lay there marveling as this creation was seemingly being created by the master artist. The next thing I knew was they were finishing up my surgery and getting me ready to go to recovery. In that thirty minutes plus, I was completely distracted, watching God do his Creating of this amazing plant. The picture I saw was God’s hand on me so I could remain calm so I would not disrupt this surgery. The waiting was done and I was moved to recovery for a short while and able to be prepared for discharge. The surgery was a success. Recovery wasn't fun as I had to sit on a special chair with my head facing down on the table top. I had to lay on this apparatus about 45 minutes and sleep if I was able to and 15 minutes of each hour I could get up and walk around, grab a snack, or whatever. During the nighttime I could sleep those 45 minutes, then get up. But as long as I was asleep, I could stay there for hours. Which was the case. I'd sleep 3-4 hours, then wake and walk around, then bundle myself up in a blanket again and did the routine again. This went on for 7 days. The ironic thing that proved to me that I wasn't alone, was the ability to get the sufficient sleep that I needed. The amazing thing was the experience going through this procedure, I was able to see and experience the handwork of God. Can there be any doubt who was in that operating room? His presence was very visual. He is always with us, especially when we seemingly lose patience. He takes over. Will you join me in prayer? In the midst of my anxiety, Lord, I thank you for being there for me. Take my anxious thoughts and turn them into your artful masterpieces. I trust you Lord, with all I am and have. Even in the midst of an anxious heart. And when I am anxious for my loved ones, you will remind me who you are. You will give me your grace to "wait." I praise your holy Name. by Jennifer Hoyt 1 Corinthians 2:9-16:"But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit who is from God that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God." Ever Feel Like We're in a Rut? Ever feel like you're stuck in a never-ending loop of "Groundhog Day"? Like nothing ever changes, and you’re powerless to make things better for your family or yourself? Been there, done that, and got the T-shirt! Here's the thing: change is a constant part of life whether we realize it or not. Unless we've found a way to freeze time (in which case, please share your secrets), change is always happening. But feeling stuck? That’s usually more about our mindset and emotions than our circumstances. We might feel like nothing changes, but that's not true. If we want to feel differently, we must take charge of our mindset and emotions and bring them to God. Emotions are as fickle – here one moment, gone the next. They can be as unreliable as our Wi-Fi during a Zoom meeting. Our feelings will lie to us, while our mindset or intellect will back up these erroneous feelings with a mountain of “evidence.” This is where our spirit, connected with the Holy Spirit, steps in. What’s the real truth about our situation? What does God say about our situation? If we feel like we’re in a rut, here’s the good news: we can change it! First, we need to tackle the mindset that’s easily bullied by strong emotions. We need to get ahold of the truth and rehearse it in our mind as many times as the lie pops up. If we’re in a rut – we can get out of the rut. If we’re stuck – we can unstick ourselves! God gave us the incredible ability through our will and choices to submit things to Him, get His word about the matter, and then partner with Him by praying for it and declaring it, until we see it established. If we’re stuck because we don’t know how to make the necessary changes, this is where the Holy Spirit comes in. The Holy Spirit dwells within us to teach, instruct, and bring the mind of Christ and the heart of the Father. 1 Corinthians 2: 9-16 (above) asks, who knows another person’s thoughts but the spirit within them? Can we read each other's minds? Of course not! But we do know our own thoughts, and we CAN know the thoughts of the Father because His spirit resides within us. So important to catch that! God's thoughts can be known by us through His spirit that indwells us. He has planned amazing things for those who love Him. The Bible tells us that God has plans for us – plans to prosper us and not to harm us. Here’s the kicker: we can partner with God to bring about change through our obedience and declarations. If we don’t know how to make the changes, we should ask, knock, seek – and repeat! God desires a relationship with us and He cares about how you are feeling. I think it's time more sons and daughters got a word in their spirit for their situation and began to pray, declare and repeat until they see God's word, which never returns to Him null and void - come to fruition. We get to be part of initiating our own change by asking the Holy Spirit how to make the necessary changes and then taking faithful steps of obedience. We are not stuck. The same Holy Spirit that walked the earth with Jesus resides within us. God has great plans for us, and if we hear and obey, He will give us the grace to perform the tasks He has called us to - sometimes that means we have to wait and be faithful and patient in our time of waiting. If we don’t know what to do keep – asking, seeking, knocking – repeat. The difficult, but simple truth, is, we can't be ruled by our feelings. What we don’t manage will manage us (so we have to manage our feelings). The secret I've found to feeling differently, is to change the direction of my thoughts toward praise and gratefulness, while asking God for the bigger picture and how I can align myself with His will. Bless you as you walk out the Word in your life! By Rebecca Vickery
Surrender. Lay it all down. It’s a remedy for stagnation. It’s a remedy for anxiety. When we approach the throne of God, sometimes it means putting aside other things. My life was put on hold for a time while I dealt with health issues that had robbed me of function and energy. Now that I can do more things, it is so hard not to just run headlong into all the things I missed. But all that time of being able to do very little, I was hanging out with the Lord. I was holding His hand and letting Him direct my movements. Now that I’m moving outwardly again, I don’t want to stop holding His hand. I don’t want to run off in a direction He’s not leading. Lord, what do YOU want me to do? Where do You want me to go? One step at a time. I’ve resumed some of my ministry roles. I’ve taken up some new ministry opportunities. And I’ve continued resting in the Lord. Life as a new believer was similar. But back then, I did more excited running off, so now I’m trying to use a more measured and cautious approach. There are so many great things out there, but not all of them are my things. Lord, I want to be used by you. I want to point others to you. I want to see victories in places that there has only been strife. Not MY will but yours be done. In all things, give thanks. Are there things that I’m not giving thanks for, simply because I’m so distracted in doing, that I forget the source of all good things? The deeper I go, the more I can be convicted about other things I need to surrender. What is preventing me from serving the Lord whole heartedly? What can I give up for you? What should I lay down and not pick back up? These are the questions I have been asking myself, but more importantly, these are the questions I bring to the Lord. What is preventing me from being wholly and fully Yours? Attending Celebrate Recovery and owning my struggle with codependency, this verse has hit me in the head a few times recently. “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” Galatians 1:10 I am a recovering people pleaser. I try not to step on toes. I try (too hard) to accommodate everyone in my space to make sure they are the okay-est they can be. But I cannot please everyone all the time. It matters most that my behavior, my thoughts and my heart are pleasing to the Lord. Sometimes that means I’m going to upset people. It is not just a possibility, it is reality. When that becomes the issue, Peter and John’s words from Acts 4:19 come to mind. “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to listen to Him? You be the judge.” I know that God can turn lives around. I know he HAS turned my life around. What else can I do to be faithful to Him and His message? How can I produce fruit and be a worker for the harvest? The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. What stands in the way of me saying, “Here I am, send me!”? Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns. See if there is any offensive way in me; lead me in the way everlasting. Lord, you know that we are prone to go astray. We are the branches, and you are the vine. If we remain in you, and your Words remain in us, we can bear much fruit. I don’t want to live a life detached from You. I need you too much for that. Lord, help us to be a people following after you wholeheartedly. Help us to love you and show others your love so that they may follow after you with their whole hearts as well. Amen. by Peggie Potter In February 2022 I drove to Massachusetts to visit family. The trip started good with just light snow showers. As I got further down I-89, that became white-out conditions. I was terrified ! Lumbering along at 20 MPH with my flashers on I put on praise & worship music & began to sing and praise Him (Ps 22:3). I knew Jesus was with me & His promises are yes & Amen (Ps 91:11) The fear was replaced by His peace & a sense of His presence in the car with me. I passed 2 accidents & prayed for them. And I safely made it to my family in Massachusetts. I realized my experience was likened to the frightened disciples in the boat on the lake in the storm. He was there ! Blessings, Peggie Potter |
September 2024