“But the word of God increased and multiplied.” (Acts 12:24) If you want to be reminded of the transformative and supernatural work of the Gospel, the book of Acts is a great place to go. We see the birth of the early church, the Good News preached with boldness and abandon, and multitudes of people professing Christ as their Savior. The excitement and energy ripples through these pages of Scripture. In finance, there’s something known as compounding interest. Once an initial investment has been made, it begins to earn interest. This interest then compounds on itself, meaning it earns interest on the interest. As a result, the initial amount invested grows at an exponential rate. Where God’s Word is being preached, we see this compounding effect at work. Notice the language of the verse. Not only does the Message grow, it multiplies! I am not much better equipped to explain the "magic" of internal combustion than our pastor was, but I understand the basic idea. Upon the initial light of the spark, a chain reaction is created. Far from a slow and controlled release of energy, a series of mini explosions are unleashed inside the engine. Once it has started, there’s nothing stopping it. This is the effect that the Gospel has as it takes root in people’s hearts. One person hears and believes, and then tells their friends and family. They hear and believe, and then tell others. On and on it goes as the Word, living and active, spreads further and farther than before. It is no surprise that opposition soon arises. It was present in the apostles’ day. But though some are killed and others placed in chains, the Gospel cannot be contained. Acts 12:24 comes directly after Peter’s miraculous rescue from prison. In the unfolding of events, Herod falls dead on the spot for failing to give glory to God (Acts 12:23) and what is the end result? “But the word of God increased and multiplied.” (Acts 12:24) As much as we see this play out in Scripture, we witness this in real time. Just as I was writing this post, Lance and Kim Ahn’s missions update landed in my inbox. It is a reminder that the power of God’s Word is still in full effect. The Gospel is being preached and people are responding in faith. Praise God! You see, we are not peddlers of some ancient, religious teaching. Rather, we are messengers of the life-giving truth of the Gospel that has the power to change lives for eternity. The same Message preached to the people in the apostles’ day is the same Message which we proclaim. And it is not mere words, for the Gospel is the very power of God for salvation (Romans 1:16). What a mind boggling reality to think of the work we join in as laborers of the harvest. We join in a high and noble cause, one passed down through the centuries, impacting millions of lives for this life and the life to come. Just as we have heard the Truth and been sealed with the Spirit (Ephesians 1:13), let this initial down payment in our own lives continue to bear interest in the lives of those around us. Let the Truth be known, let the Gospel be preached, and by God’s grace and power let it increase and multiply! |
February 2025