By Peggie Potter Jeremiah 29:11 for I know the plans I have for you. To prosper you & not destroy you. To give you a hope & a future. From the time of my childhood through my early walk with Jesus I was an awkward, nerdy , & insecure soul. I struggled with depression & self-consciousness. I often embarrassed my family & myself trying desperately to be noticed & acknowledged. I was the favorite bullying victim on the school playground. Jesus changed all that. When He came into my life in Feb 1978 , I was a young mother of a 7 month-old son, Rob. Slowly He began to remove all the fear & insecurity & need for attention. He took my love of natural science & gave me my now nearly 29 year career as an aviation weather observer. He blessed me with three wonderful sons, 2 precious daughters -in-law, & 4 beautiful grandchildren. I know my worth as a child of God because He has not only saved & cared for me, but has given me His heart. My value lies in Him. Insecurity was a very difficult thing to overcome, but I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. And yes Norma, my latter is certainly better than my past ! Praise Jesus ! Blessings, Peggie Potter Comments are closed.
January 2025