Psalm 121: 1-2
I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. I have learned many important lessons in my recovery/discipleship journey. One lesson that has been really impactful is one that I recall talking to Denis Chevalier about when it came to me. It is the fact that when troubles come in life, every one of us runs... the question is where will we run? We can run FROM God, and try to find relief through other people, or some thing. It may be food, drugs, sex, anger, or any other outlet. Or we can run TO God, even when things make no sense in the moment. I was in the lowest point of my life when I came to this revelation, and in a place where I knew that the only way through things was by turning to God, and trusting him with the outcome, even though life made no sense at that time. I was in the process of losing my marriage, my job, had broken relationships with my girls, etc. So everything that I thought "defined" me was stripped away within less than a year. I can look back at that now though, and realize that God used that time to grow me into a man that he was able to use in greater ways. Part of running to God, meant that I pressed into him in new ways that I continue to grow in to this day. I went through DivorceCare, and learned skills to try to realize my part in my marriage failing. I got to do a great men's Bible study, and made friends that I can still call on to this day. And I came to Celebrate Recovery, where I learned that I was still holding on to unforgiveness towards my father, who had passed away in 1993. I still continue on that journey to this day, working on peeling back the onion of recovery (also known as discipleship). So I come back to the question, of where will you run? The question is not WILL hard times come. We all are either in the middle of hard times, recovering from them, or they are on the way. If you can learn to run TO God as you go through adversity, you learn that you can trust God, in the big and small things in life. So run to God, you will never regret it. Comments are closed.
February 2025