By Joyce Pelletier 2 Corinthians 3:16-18 Whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom, and we who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. In all my years of reading God’s word, I know I must have read these words, but on this particular morning, I read this passage and I had a somewhat of an “AHA” moment. I love it when that happens. I thought about it off and on today. I knew I’d be writing in the blog about it. In the Old Testament I read in Exodus where Moses went into the place where few people were allowed to go. He wore a veil until he was in this holy place. And when he came back out, his face was filled with holy brightness. He wore his veil again to dissuade people from looking at his face after talking to God. If he were to go back to the people unmasked, he’d be a distraction from looking for God’s holy face. I’ve not seen God’s face, but in essence, when I talk to God in intensity, it’s like He removes the veil that I wear, unseen by others, but it’s like God let’s my open up my invisible veil and I can speak to Him in complete honesty and never have to hold back from what I talk to Him about. Like the reading from 2 Corinthians, He sets me free. I don’t have to be afraid or fearful about being honest about my failures, and I can remove that veil and tell Him everything, His response is His radiant heart showing through every part of His being, like His eyes, and hands, and mouth as He speaks truth to my life and there is no condemnation, or fear. He reassures me, does not point fingers. All He wants from me is “me” and He is always there with compassion, goodness, love, grace, kindness and the list is endless. He accepts me as I am, and at the same time, He helps me to change. He shows me things I could not know without Him. My true freedom comes when I just let everything go and walk along the path to where He bids me to go. “No worries” just amazing love. When we sing the song, ‘Is He worthy,’ it catches me within the first line about knowing the world is broken, and He is so worthy. There is nothing else we need. Wherever I am, I’m always talking to God. He never grows tired of listening. When I reach out to another person, who might be really hurting, and it’s His grace that enables me to lift up the other. There are times I fail, but He’s always there to help me pick up the pieces. Don’t be afraid to tell it like it is. He is completely and fully aware of what is going on and He has a plan to carry you, and see you through any cloud that comes down the road. Father God, Thank you for being there through the thick and thin of life. Whether I’m going through another painful day or having a day of being pain free, You know my pain, and that cross you bore for me, I am eternally grateful. I take your hand through the journeys you have planned for me, with some fears, but ready to go wherever you lead me to go. Your hand protects me at every step I take. Thank you In Jesus’ name, AMEN! Comments are closed.
January 2025