By Joyce Pelletier
Acts 2:28 You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence. If we stop to consider all the pathways God has placed us in, we need not be overwhelmed. Think about one pathway that you were on and you gasped, “I can’t do this!” This picture depicts a path that is straight and somewhat narrow. We visited the Waterbury Dam last Fall. I’d never been there so when our son suggested we go, I was all for it. We packed up a lunch, my walker and whatever else we thought we’d need. When we arrived, we parked the truck and took out my walker, because I knew I would not get far with my cane. I stood at the beginning of the path and took a deep breath and started to walk. We didn’t measure this walkway, it looked short, but it was long. What kept me going was the beautiful colored leaves. We stopped once in a while to take it all in. We walked slowly but it was such a gorgeous day we just weren’t in any hurry. I kept my focus on the white building at the end of the path. In my mind I could see God’s hand beckoning me on. Then I knew that I could do it. Now, you might wonder if I was being overly dramatic, but it turned out to be one of those lessons from God that always starts simplistically. I took one step at a time. I kept my focus on God, whose hand reached out to me. I took many stops and deep breaths along the way, then I realized that I was not alone. God was with me. I wasn’t going to fail, I kept on going because I wanted to know how this walk ends. Each new day is a new pathway. Sometimes it’s pretty much the same as the day before, but the challenges are different. When God gives me something new to follow, then that new journey starts. I may be on a new path, but I was not alone. This made it easier to just follow where He wanted to take me. I keep on learning that even in my old age, I’ve still lessons to learn. All I have to do is stay on the path that God has in mind. When I try to resist, the lessons come with some reluctant pain. At some points I wanted Joe to go get the truck, so I could have a ride. But, Knew that I had to finish what I started. He would see me through. Where would we be if Jesus gave up on His journey? He knew He had to be nailed on that cross. He didn’t turn back. He kept His eyes on the Father. There was a mission to complete! All my journeys had lessons preparing me for what was to come next. With the many jobs I had in my lifetime, somehow the next step became a follow up to whatever was next in my working phase of life. After we came to Daybreak, I thought my working days were over. Then Brent approached me to consider a position to serve the church in the Administrative Assistant role. It was another role that God had prepared me for. It turned into 14 years that I will never regret. I learned so much. I knew it was where I belonged. I got to know my Christian family. My parents and only sibling were gone. Now my original family was gone, but I had a new family that gave me courage, strength and love. There is nothing more important than to feel like you belong somewhere. I searched my whole life trying to find my ‘family.’ So, in all this, I offer my gratitude first to God for putting me on this path and secondly to all of you that I’ve had the privilege to know and be my family in Christ. There is something about pathways that piques my curiosity. You never know where these ordained paths will lead, but we can know that we never walk alone. Our God is always with us. Along with God, I know my brothers and sisters will love me through anything He has planned for me. I look forward to the continuation of this journey with each of you. Be reassured that God has our needs taken care of. Comments are closed.
January 2025