By Rebecca Vickery
Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort. He comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any kind of affliction, through the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For as the sufferings of Christ overflow to us, so through Christ our comfort also overflows.2 Corinthians 1:3-5 Have you ever been comforted by the Lord before something happens? It’s almost as if He paves the way so that when you’re about to have a big event, you’re not completely thrown. Sometimes I find I have to encourage my own heart when big things happen, reminding myself that although it is a surprise to me, it was in no way a surprise to God. But I can also see His hand in the spaces leading up to that event. When my friend Pam died, it was sudden. It was painful. But something beautiful had happened right before. My last time spent with her was wonderful. This was a woman who had mentored me and taken me under her wing. I was a newly married woman, new to the area, new to parenting. I had no family nearby. We didn’t have a lot of money at the time, and only one vehicle. Pam would come and pick me and my beautiful baby Lana up, and she’d treat us to lunch. Or she’d treat us to coffee. It was always her treat. But this one time, I told her I wanted to treat her. I wanted to show my gratitude for all the times she had taken care of us. I made a special point of telling her how much our friendship had meant to us. We had a lovely lunch. That was the last time I saw her. She went out of town to visit family, and was in a car accident on the way home. I was devastated. But I was also comforted in the fact that I was able to treat her that last time. I considered it a special gift from the Lord to have had that special time before He took her home to be with Him. It was a great kindness to me. The Lord has comforted me in similar ways throughout the years. I feel as though the closer I walk with Him, the more I see it. His comfort and reassurance come to me before things happen. Even things that I don’t fully expect. He prepared my heart before I lost my position as interim worship leader. I was told I had a meeting with the Pastor, and even though there was no reason for me to think it, I said, “I’m going to lose my job.” My husband assured me that this wasn’t the case. And I almost believed it. But I laid it all down before the Lord, and when I was asking Him what to do, I felt very strongly the answer. “Daybreak.” So strong was my belief that we were supposed to go to Daybreak that when my husband convinced me my job was safe, I was sad to think we might not be able to follow that pull. As it turned out, I was not wrong. And my family and I had a safe landing at the Church that has become our home these last 4 years. His handiwork was so beautifully obvious. I was held by the Father. It was going to turn out alright. In the last few weeks, I approached what was supposed to be the end of my 9 months of treatment for Lyme disease and Bartonellosis. I thought I knew what direction things were going. But in the last few weeks, I noticed that I kept receiving the same message from the Lord. Do you trust me with the outcome? Do you trust me in my timing? Do you trust my leading? And I would say, I trust you, Lord. Then my physical therapy evaluation showed that my body is still showing signs of systemic inflammation. This was an indication that my infection was not gone. I trust you, Lord. My hips started getting bad again. So bad that I missed a night of sleep and Church the next day. I trust you, Lord. April 30th was supposed to be my last day of treatment. But April 29th, my Doctor confirmed that we needed to extend it. I TRUST YOU, LORD. And then my legs started to feel like they were on fire and my pain levels were back through the roof. I trust you Lord. But also, will you stay with me? Because it hurts and treatment can be a long and lonely road. I can take comfort in the knowledge that this was not surprising to God. I could feel Him comforting my heart before these things. I could take courage in the knowledge that this pain is temporary. These setbacks are temporary. Even if my body fails, even if I do not reach the goal of experiencing better health on this side of heaven, He is walking with me. I know He is. But even better still, I can take comfort in the knowledge that God is knowable. He made me for relationship with Him. I don’t have to be afraid of the walk, because even if I go down a scary path, He’s with me. He can see through the fog and the darkness. Even the dark is not dark to Him. One day, I will walk with Him in perfect peace. Somewhere there will be no more pain, and sorrow, and sickness, and crying. I will go when He calls me Home. But He’ll just escort me from this side to that, because He’ll be with me through it all. Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort. Comments are closed.
February 2025