Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. (Genesis 1:11-12) Our life experiences bring us to so many different places. Nature has a way of giving me a new perspective when things start causing me a new challenge. I just came thorough a vitrectomy surgery on my right eye. The retina was starting to detach. When I looked out my right eye I could see dancing street signs, school bus red blinking lights disappear before my eyes; traffic lights vanishing before me as well. It was kind of funny at first. The dancing street signs made me chuckle. But when I went to the Ophthalmologist, it wasn’t so funny any more. It suddenly became serious. The macular was starting to fail, to where my retina would be in danger of detaching. The day of the surgery – found me awake during this procedure. I was sedated but not asleep. They said I would not remember anything when it was done. Well, that turned out to be untrue. I remember looking at the machinery around me and I also could see something uniquely special. It was hard laying there for nearly 2 hours. Normally surgery finds you asleep and then waking up. This was different! I was awake in a totally relaxed state, the whole time. As they worked on me, I saw visions of something so amazingly beautiful, I could never replicate it. I saw giant clear bubbles become like frosted glass that you see on your window of your car or home. I saw before me something that was being created that was drawn in perfection. Never had I seen something so exquisite being so created right before me. I saw the richest colors of deep turquoise, deep blues, burgundy and yellow. The design was similar to the picture with this blog. The more I looked at these designing images, the more I realized it was the Master Artist at work to perfection. God took the time to give me these images and I was mesmerized by them. I was in awe at what I saw. They became more intense as I was growing impatient for this procedure on my eye to be done. So much so, I talked to the doctor as he was working on me and had the nerve to ask him if he was nearly done. I told them I was getting more anxious as I lay there. They increased my sedative, yet not enough for me to fall asleep. The images kept coming and during the time of those images, God entertained me and distracted me, which was what I needed. This was an amazing event that I hope never to forget the amazing design. The image with this blog is close, but not exact. I wanted to share it. During my seven-day recovery of sleeping on a Face Down Posturing Chair, with many hours of poor sleep, I felt a little trapped. One morning Maurice was having his prayer time and I asked him to read the verses he was reading. They were from Jesus walking on water. When He told the disciples “Do not fear, I am with you,” I started crying realizing God was telling me not to fret. The next three days that same reading came up and I knew my healing was coming. I felt the presence of God during that week of strange sleeping. I knew I was not alone. I knew God was sitting near me all those nights of restless slumber. I was protected, I was somewhat walking on the water with Peter. I didn’t falter, I didn’t sink, because God was ever present with me during the whole thing. It's been three weeks since the surgery as I write this blog and my vision has improved so much, I can read my regular Bible again, after buying a large print one. The visions gave me so much more insight to God and what He wants for my life. It’s hard to describe, but it is something I will never forget. What a blessing this has been! I am also so grateful for all your prayers. Comments are closed.
February 2025