Yesterday as I wrote a post about some of the daily challenges I face, I thought to
myself, “well that sounds exhausting, no wonder you’re napping so long on the weekends. How are you even doing everything that you’re doing?” I penned this poem in response: I keep my eyes upon my Savior to tread these stormy waves To turn away might drown me, but I know that Jesus saves And He who calmed the waters and the winds so long ago Will keep me safe upon these waves to walk And I’ll follow I could not navigate these channels without the Light to guide me To illuminate my path ahead, to lead me on, or hide me Rock of ages, cleft for me You set a table before me in the presence of my enemies Though my body has been ravaged by an unseen fleet of savage microscopic hosted frenemies I tire easily and I return myself to He Who can restore my soul And place my feet upon the Rock The confession, On Christ the solid rock I stand All other ground is sinking sand So I clasp more firmly to His hand Even as this journey leads me on through valleys treacherous Even when this world would beckon me towards being lecherous Ever forward march I onward Until I, weary from the battle Put my head down And rest Knowing yet You fight for me Maybe you’re in a similar place. You’re navigating at the speed of life holding onto Jesus like Lois Lane holds Superman when they go up, up and away. “Please don’t let me fall, please don’t let me fall.” I wonder sometimes if I’m more on the side of “Oh ye of little faith,” or “I have not seen such great faith in all of Jerusalem.” Whichever of those you might more relate to, it’s nice to know that Jesus can still relate to you. Not that Jesus ever had little faith, but that Jesus spoke and had relationships with those who had great faith and with those who needed help with their unbelief. One of the many Names of Jesus is Wonderful Counselor. If you’ve ever needed counseling, you might have learned there’s a difference between a terrible counselor and a really good one. Thank God that He offers us free counseling and keeps all kinds of hours. If you can only meet with him at 8AM, He’s there. If you need him at 3AM, he’s there. If you need to keep him on call all throughout the day, you CAN. You maybe even should, as He instructs us to pray without ceasing. Life can be overwhelming. Everywhere you look can be overwhelm. Phil. 4:13 says I can do All things through Christ who strengthens me. I wonder if it would be better interpreted as, I can do everything I’m supposed to do through Christ who strengthens me. After all, I cannot do a lot of things. But all the things that I’ve needed to go through, everything I had to endure, I have made it because of Jesus. There have been moments where I literally felt it was not possible to go on. Yet here I am. Whether you know what I mean because you’ve been there, or your trials are ahead of you, Jesus promised to be with us even to the very end of the age. Rest assured, He keeps His promises. He is faithful to the end. “But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Phil. 3:13b-14 Jesus may not deliver me from the trials I am facing, but He will deliver me from my adversary. He will continue to be my trusted Navigation System until I get to the other side of this life. In times of trials, learn the habit of clinging to the One who knows not just the first steps, but the final ones. In fact, if you learn to cling to Him before the great trials, you’ll have great clinging muscles before you even start a trial. And you might get to a time where you feel like you can’t hold on anymore. But just as Lois Lane was held by Superman, even if she wasn’t holding on, Jesus is able to hold onto you. Ask Him. “Lord please hold onto me, because I don’t know if I have the strength to hold onto you.” Comments are closed.
January 2025