By Kadeen Edwards
Walking with God isn’t easy. It calls for us to be strong and courageous. It calls for us to take up the armor of God and stand firm. It calls for us to lose our lives that we may gain it. Matthew 16:25 says “For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.” God has given us a great many things. He has given us the Holy Spirit to refine us. He gives us peace, he graphs us into his family and calls us his children. We get to know his love, which is like no other love that we will ever find, because His love is one of a kind. When we become saved we are his beloved children with whom He is well pleased. God walks with us, for he is always with us. He was with us before we even knew Him or could even call on His name. As a Matter fact He was with us in the beginning. God walks with us before we become saved and started walking with Him. I am so grateful that we get to walk with the creator of all things. It is an honor to be a child of God. How blessed it was for Enoch to walk with God and then He was no more. I love that his walk was so faithful that God looked at him and said you’re coming home. There’s only two people that don’t experience death in the Bible. Enoch and Elijah. What a walk with God it must’ve been to live and then be taken to heaven. Walking with God is a journey and everything is not perfect, the road is narrow and filled with steep cliffs, holes, rocks, hills, mountains and valleys. But the greatest part about walking with God is that He is always with us. Comments are closed.
January 2025