by Margaret E Potter John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His one & only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish t have eternal life. John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal , kill & destroy. I came that they (you !) may have life & have it more abundantly. 1 John 4:16b God is Love & he who abides in love abides in God & God in Him. We who are God's children must imitate & emulate our Heavenly Father & be Jesus to the world around us. Remember Jesus came "that none should perish , but all should come to the saving knowledge & to repentance " 2 Peter 3:9. while it is true that we are all born sinners, just the mere fact that we are born is proof of His incredible Love ! Under the microscope it has ben observed that at the moment of the conception of a human life there is a sudden flash of light ! That is Father God breathing life-a living soul-into this tiny new life ! And He has a wonderful plan & purpose for that life ! Despite or innate tendency toward selfishness & sin, Jesus , who came into this world to shed His precious life's blood for all our sakes is ready to embrace that life & make him or her His very own ! His promises are yes & amen ! and apart from Him our true life's purpose given by Father God ! Once we were all sinners in need of the Savior. That is why we should all have a burden for the lost as we were once lost ourselves ! Where would any of us be today if someone hadn't told us ? I'm certain this is the ultimate meaning of loving one's neighbor as one's self (Mark 12:31 ) ! If God & His Love & the Person of Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit truly dwells within us , it should be our desire too, that none should perish, but come to everlasting life in Him. that is why Jesus came to the Earth He created & laid down His Life for all our sakes ! I praise & thank you Lord Jesus Christ, My Savior & my King ! Amen Comments are closed.
February 2025