![]() By Peggy Potter 1st Peter 5:6-7 TLV Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty Hand of God so that He may lift you up at the appropriate time. Cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you. After several years of off again-on again dating, my beloved Gary became my boyfriend at the funeral of the very man who was determined to fix us up, Bob Racicot. I dearly love Gary & thanks to both he & Jesus I have my blog for this month. Through the years I have learned (the HARD WAY as I usually do ! ) that along with the Love of Jesus, COMMUNICATION is the life-blood of any & all relationships ! This past Sunday, Gary , a veteran of the US Air Force, attended a special time hosted by St Michael's College for veterans of all the military branches. He was deeply touched by the storieshe heard . Since the college is almost next door to where I live, he dropped off a container onthe hood of my car that he had used to bring home some left over food from a dinner we had at my home a week or two ago. He later explained he wanted to drop in, but felt emotionally exhausted & just wanted to go home. We human beings can be so negative at times, myself included. I began questioning & blaming myself, thinking I had done something wrong. Was I a pest ? Did I send him too many texts ? Etc, etc, etc ... Finally on Wednesday afternoon, after much prayer, I simply sat in God's Presence & asked Him what He wanted to tell me & it didn't necessarily concern Gary, just whatever ! Immediately, Holy Spirit spoke to my heart with these words: Text Gary, ask him if you did anything to offend him & ask his forgiveness. That was it ! Although reluctant at first, an hour later, I did just that. Gary's sweet& gentle answer so touched my heart that I fell in love with him all over again ! He explained that whatever it was had nothing to do with me & that there was nothing to forgive & that he loves me. Afterward, I was so relieved & happy, I could not stop praising Jesus & thanking Him ! My next prayers were that the next time I find myself struggling with these sorts of thoughts, just pray, give it all to Jesus & discuss it with whomever it may concern. Some of the worst battles we fight are the internal ones that trouble our own hearts & minds & there is no need of that, praise Jesus !!! Proverbs 16:24 TLV Pleasant words are honeycomb-sweet to the soul & healing to the bones . Comments are closed.
February 2025