By Will Brannon
You might be the only Bible someone ever reads, the only church someone ever goes to, the only good someone ever sees. I believe it’s by showing through our actions, good deeds, and kindness on a daily basis and especially in the face of trials and tribulations, that we show the world that we represent Jesus Christ. I believe it's truly letting God’s light shine through us and onto others. Remember it’s not us who does good, but God through us. By being open to the situations we find ourselves in, that God places us in, we receive the opportunity to serve as a conduit for God's light and glory. Sometimes just a little conversation can make all the difference in someone's life. If you see a change in someone's face, a spark of interest, take some extra time to invite them to church or to talk again sometime over coffee. Some people have to be introduced slowly to the conversation about God and that's ok. It's not always about talking directly of God, but more guiding from a biblical perspective. Also showing the gifts of God, kindness, love, and caring. Sometimes the smallest things make all the difference. Honestly, sometimes it's as simple as holding the door open for someone. You won't believe some of the reactions I have received from holding the door open for someone. Where I come from, that's just how doors work, they are held by nice people. Other times, it's my cross necklace that has been really effective. Anyone who has probably ever met me knows I wear a large shiney cross. It’s allowed me to not have to say I am a believer to everyone I meet, everyone knows what the cross stands for, even if they don't fully understand. That has allowed me to focus on being a good person, and when I have, it has allowed people to connect the dots. Also, people have approached me often to compliment me on it, which I love because It's an opportunity to talk about God with them. For instance, a woman saw me as I walked by and said I like your necklace and then asked me if I was a Christian, I said “yes ma'am I am.” Through that encounter, I was able to invite her to our church. The same is true with my bible. I like to read my bible in Panera Bread. The amount of people that have approached me about has been incredible. A little girl walked past me and started saying “Mommy, Mommy, look he’s reading his bible.” That warmed my heart, there are so many people that want to talk about God and they are just looking for an opportunity to do so, they may not even know that’s what they want until the opportunity is presented to them. Look, I know it sounds like very little, but the truth is, I think that's where the best work is done. We need to be able to connect with everyday people that don't come to church. There are alot of different ways to show God's light, I have noticed that it's through the life changes I have undergone, through the faith I found in the pain and darkest moments in my life, that I have shined the brightest light onto others. By choosing God in the pain, God in the darkness, His hope instead of my hopelessness. In the darkness of my life, through me, without me doing a thing but keeping my eyes focused on him, I have shone the brightest light into other people's lives. With this in mind, I recall a time when, as I sat talking with my wife about if I had done any good at all, if i had served in any meaningful way in people's lives, in that very moment, I received a phone call from my brother, who said, “I just want you to know that your faith and closeness to God in all you have been going through recently has renewed my faith, our dad’s and our family’s faith.” My wife and I both looked at each other as he spoke and I began to break down into tears. God has been so good to me. God spoke through him to me, so I would understand how God's real work is done, not by me, but through me. By Peggy Potter 1st Peter 5:6-7 TLV Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty Hand of God so that He may lift you up at the appropriate time. Cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you. After several years of off again-on again dating, my beloved Gary became my boyfriend at the funeral of the very man who was determined to fix us up, Bob Racicot. I dearly love Gary & thanks to both he & Jesus I have my blog for this month. Through the years I have learned (the HARD WAY as I usually do ! ) that along with the Love of Jesus, COMMUNICATION is the life-blood of any & all relationships ! This past Sunday, Gary , a veteran of the US Air Force, attended a special time hosted by St Michael's College for veterans of all the military branches. He was deeply touched by the storieshe heard . Since the college is almost next door to where I live, he dropped off a container onthe hood of my car that he had used to bring home some left over food from a dinner we had at my home a week or two ago. He later explained he wanted to drop in, but felt emotionally exhausted & just wanted to go home. We human beings can be so negative at times, myself included. I began questioning & blaming myself, thinking I had done something wrong. Was I a pest ? Did I send him too many texts ? Etc, etc, etc ... Finally on Wednesday afternoon, after much prayer, I simply sat in God's Presence & asked Him what He wanted to tell me & it didn't necessarily concern Gary, just whatever ! Immediately, Holy Spirit spoke to my heart with these words: Text Gary, ask him if you did anything to offend him & ask his forgiveness. That was it ! Although reluctant at first, an hour later, I did just that. Gary's sweet& gentle answer so touched my heart that I fell in love with him all over again ! He explained that whatever it was had nothing to do with me & that there was nothing to forgive & that he loves me. Afterward, I was so relieved & happy, I could not stop praising Jesus & thanking Him ! My next prayers were that the next time I find myself struggling with these sorts of thoughts, just pray, give it all to Jesus & discuss it with whomever it may concern. Some of the worst battles we fight are the internal ones that trouble our own hearts & minds & there is no need of that, praise Jesus !!! Proverbs 16:24 TLV Pleasant words are honeycomb-sweet to the soul & healing to the bones . By Rebecca Vickery
Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ. Romans 10:17 Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. Hebrews 11:1 It is by grace you have been saved, through faith; and this is not from yourselves; it is a gift of God, not by works, that none may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 Have you ever gotten into a discussion with someone who had lots of questions and regardless of how many answers you had, your answers, although satisfactory to you were not satisfactory at all to them? The disconnect is real, and it can feel like you’re going back and forth with no meaningful progress. It might feel like you’re speaking in different languages. Unsettling tension can pervade. The bible says as believers “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5) It might feel like it is our job to keep making a case for God and Christianity. After all, it also says in 1 Peter 3:15, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect….” As you feel a conversation devolving and you realize that there’s not common ground to be had, it is important to pause and not get caught up in foolish arguments. The Amplified version of the Bible puts it this way: “But have nothing to do with foolish and ignorant speculations [useless disputes over unedifying, stupid controversies], since you know that they produce strife and give birth to quarrels. The servant of the Lord must not participate in quarrels, but must be kind to everyone [even-tempered, preserving peace, and he must be], skilled in teaching, patient and tolerant when wronged. He must correct those who are in opposition with courtesy and gentleness in the hope that God may grant that they will repent and be led to the knowledge of the truth [accurately understanding and welcoming it], and that they may come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will.” 2 Timothy 2:23-26 In verse 25, it says we are to have hope that GOD may grant them repentance and lead them to the knowledge of the truth. We know that it is His kindness that leads to repentance. (Romans 2:4) None of us would believe in Him apart from the faith that comes from God. Before we answered the call to follow after Jesus, we were darkened in our understanding. We lived by the flesh, and not by faith. It says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (Christ), and that faith is a gift of God. No matter how much we might want to argue someone into faith, this is not possible. We can share God’s Word with them, and we can pray for God to do a work in them. But we cannot manufacture faith in another person. It can be heartbreaking to converse with people who declare for themselves that they don’t believe in God. It feels like a situation without hope, until we remember that we once were without hope ourselves. Before I became a believer, we had a tenant in our apartment on the side of our house named Elizabeth. Elizabeth was a sweet elderly woman who I used to visit on a regular basis. I don’t remember Elizabeth talking to me about God, but what I learned about Elizabeth is that from the time I first started visiting with her, she started praying for me. I didn’t learn about this until after I returned from the Czech Republic as a new believer in Jesus Christ. Before I met Elizabeth, someone in my school shared a Bible Tract with me (with a gospel message contained inside). Upon receiving this good news, I laughed at the person who gave it to me, crumbled it up and threw it behind a fire extinguisher. That was me. I believe that Elizabeth’s prayers meant the difference between life and death. Elizabeth rejoiced with me when I told her about my travels and how I had found Jesus. She told me how she had been praying for me on my journey. In the Bible it says the prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective. While it is not my job to produce faith in another person, it is my privilege to pray that God will open the eyes of their hearts, that He would demolish strongholds, that He would free them from the slavery of sin, that He would restore sight to the spiritually blind, that He would open their hearts to respond to the gospel. What a wonderful thing it will be when we can behold the ripples of people who believe in part because of our prayers. And then those who will believe on account of their prayers. And so on. Our battle is not against the people who argue against us, but the spiritual forces of darkness that would love to keep them blind until their dying days. Prayer and fasting can move mountains that our own strength has no power to cast aside. Our love and acceptance can remind them of the love that God has for them, even when they are prickly and unreasonable. Remembering how prickly and unreasonable we were before we believed can also help us to stay humble in the midst of our interactions. Being an ambassador of reconciliation is not an easy task, but with God on our side, we can be light and love to a world that is broken and in need of His care. Lord, please make me to be a good Ambassador for your love to those around me. Let me not get caught up in arguments that increase strife or division. Let me instead be light and love as I return to you often to refill my heart with your love for me and others. Make me a witness of your faithfulness and your goodness in my life as I depend on you for all things. Forgive me when I fall short, and help me to be humble as I go about the difficulties of being an ambassador for reconciliation. For your glory. For your Kingdom! In Jesus’ Name. Amen. By Joyce Pelletier Psalm 9:1-2 I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart: I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High. So many times, I tend to forget to give thanks to the Lord for His amazing love and protection upon us. Recently, I’ve been asking God for his protection over us. When I go out and drive here and there for errands, appointments, groceries, even Church, a sense of fear and dread comes over me. I’ve been noticing lately the aggressiveness in drivers wherever I go. Each time I get in my car I ask God for his protection on us, that I would continue to be clearly alert as I drive so that no one will be hurt, and that no one will cause an accident involving me or anyone else. When I was about 5 years old, My dad was driving us to visit someone, I don’t remember who but all of a sudden, we ended up with his car and mom, my brother and I on it’s side. I do not recall what happened to get us in that state. My mom told me later in life that my brother ran back to the car for my doll that was left in the car, because I was crying. Evidently, it was reassuring to me that he did that for me. The best news is none of us were seriously hurt. I wonder if I prayed then for His protection? I was way too young to remember. Now in my advanced age, I cannot help but think, God has his hand on me in every situation and has since before I was created. He’s always there protecting me from harm. So, because I have this reassurance, should I continue to ask for his protection, or would it behoove me to offer my deep gratitude for keeping me safe on the road. Should I grumble each time someone illegally passes me because I might not be going fast enough for them? I think I will continue to thank God for his hand on me and my loved ones. I’ve also learned that even though someone is impatient and will pass me anyway, to pray for them instead of criticizing them for their need to “just get where they are going!”They say patience is a virtue. I say, I need as much patience as the next guy and pray in deep gratitude for God’s hand on me at all times. Psalm 9:8 says, “He rules the world in righteousness and judges the people with equity.” Please pray with me… ‘Lord, bless all us drivers out there. Help us to realize how vulnerable we are to each other in all stages of life, More importantly, Trusting in you gets us where we NEED to go and in Your timing. Help us on our life’s journey to seek your protection in all things. There is no one more deserving of our praise than you.’ |
January 2025